Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A-Rod hits two HRs and still gets booed

I love this game!

A-Rod hit two HRs in a game, a grand slam, a walk-off homer earlier in the week to break an 11th inning tie, gets voted into the All-Star game...

And he still gets booed by Yankees fan! All he needs now is a good old-fashioned face-shove and we'll be right on target for a great year.

Monday, July 03, 2006

A-Rod shipped back

A-Rod Shipped Back To Manufacturer
(To Fix Mechanical Flaw In Swing)

According to Onion Sports, the $25 million dollar man has-been:

After noticing a slight, recurring mechanical flaw in its swing that has caused its season average to dip to .275, Yankee officials sent A-ROD-13, an expensive yet still completely unreliable batting unit, back to its original manufacturer for recalibration and a general tune-up.

Read the article here on Yankees Rumors @ A-Rod shipped back